Memorial Day Mass

A Mt. Calvary tradition for over a century.

Every year Mt. Calvary hosts a Memorial Day mass honoring our loved ones at 9:00 am on the grounds next to the office. The mass is celebrated each year by a priest from one of our sponsor Catholic churches—St. Joseph's, St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton, St. Pius X, St. Matthew's, St. Patrick's, and Immaculate Conception. Bring lawn chairs for seating and/or an umbrella for shade. A collection is taken to go towards ongoing cemetery improvements. If it is raining, the alternate location will be St. Matthew’s Church at 2310 First Ave. NE Cedar Rapids.

Eternal rest grant unto them,

O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
